Pristy Audit TrailPublication

Audit trail application: capture application usage trails and use them to generate graphs and other visualisations.

Audit trail application: to be able to record application usage trails and exploit them using graphs and other visualisations.

What’s it for?

To record traces of use of the application and be able to exploit them using graphs and other visualisations.

This meets the following needs:

  • security: detection of abnormal behaviour;
  • legal: HR disputes over access to confidential data;
  • regulatory: RGPD requirements for sensitive data;
  • functional: dashboard for monitoring use of the platform.

You can therefore:

  • List access to documents and detect abnormal behaviour. Analyse usage and user behaviour.
  • Help with RGPD compliance, particularly for sensitive data.
  • Monitor the use of the platform: know what is being used so you can make adjustments.

Compatibility :

Pristy Audit Trail is compatible with Alfresco Community and Enterprise, and is an alternative to the Alfresco audit solution. A more complete module that offers more functionality while reducing the load on the application server.

Visual board

This content can be analysed in a Kibana dashboard. The dashboard contains clickable analytical graphs. Filtered and searched content, on a user for example, can be exported as a PDF.

Technical side

To trigger external processes, we record EDM events in Kafka topics. This is the solution used by our automatic OCR module. This application is based on this technology. Every user action - creating, deleting, modifying, reading, downloading - is recorded in a Kafka topic. This ensures that actions on documents can be traced. The content of the logs is then exported to a cluster Elaticsearch for analysis via queries in Kibana.